Ways education can be made more effective


Ways education can be made more effective

As per the National Family Health Survey, 2015-16, India has a school dropout rate of 20.3 percent among boys aged 15 to 16 years and 13.7 percent among girls in the same age group. As per the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), 2017, only 46% of children in Standard III could read a Standard II text fluently. Only 33% of children in the age group 10 to 14 years were able to perform simple division problems correctly with understanding.

Why is education limited to classrooms?

Our schools are education within an education. We all go to school one way or another. But we don’t really understand it. If you give the child education in one place, in a school, what’s the result? To get the most out of this wonderful thing called education we need to go out into the world and learn from everyday encounters. That’s the world around us, everything we see, hear, smell, taste, touch, think, or taste. All the experiences that make up our life – that’s our education. What are the opportunities within biotech? Most of the work being done is focused on the traditional aspects of science and medicine: research, drug development, building new products. But we need to train the whole team: teachers, technical staff, and scientists. Our schools need more professors and more advanced training. But they also need better universities – schools that can attract people and provide the basis for a career. I remember how the scientist

What are the problems of traditional learning methods?

Any traditional training of students is good to promote the well-being of students in different subjects. But, in fact, some students failed to learn some lessons in different ways because they don't get the practice when their instructor asks them about the problems. Students, whether as teachers or pupils, should be responsible enough to know things well. And they must be experienced enough, too. Students who want to practice their skills can be certified in QECS. To certify them in QECS, one must be a 'Certified QECS Tutor.' What are the characteristics of a good teacher? A good teacher must: ● Have good lesson plans ● Provide real-life examples ● Tell stories ● Teach by using games ● Make active learning activities ● Use classic teaching methods ● Plan specific activities ● Create group activities ● Use interactive media, such as videos ● Use visual aids ● Use correct terminology ● Teach systematically ● Use appropriate learning methods ● Interpret the material

Why is education limited to classrooms?
Ways education can be made more effective

How can technology help in bridging the gap between classroom learning and real-world application?

Today, education has become a delivery system and the learning process has become a focused activity on a specific path with specific objectives. There has to be a focused investment in training teachers, designing learning paths for students, modifying school curriculum, and defining appropriate ways of assessing. Schools can deploy a variety of learning tools and the most powerful ones are new mobile apps that bring new teaching methods such as action-based learning. These apps teach students more engagingly and dynamically by allowing them to complete specific tasks or assignments within the learning process. These apps also provide students with additional levels of assessments or grades based on progress made. This can be especially helpful for students who need to work ahead and for those who have trouble with course content. How can technology be leveraged to bridge the gap between blackboards and virtual space? A similar digital space can also be created for teachers

The future of education: A vision for India

By Nandakumar Diwakar, Shilpa Sengupta, and Ramesh Saigal The role of education in empowering the youth of this country has been subjected to much attention over the last few decades. However, it is time to bring to the fore the emerging education issues that are impacting the success of today’s children and whether the existing system is providing them the quality of education and an ability to handle problems that will affect them as they grow older and enter the modern society. As per a recent report, India has 8-10-year-old children in class VIII. This large-scale illiteracy in the eighth grade is a shocker and a real issue of concern. The reasons for this are most economical. Almost 40 percent of the children do not go to school and almost 40 percent of those do not do well. Only 15 percent of children who go to school attain pass marks in the fifth standard and only 5 percent reach the high school stage. A report by Oxford University estimates that 40 percent of

The gap between school education and real-life is increasing day by day. The education is not as per the requirements of the job market and we are facing a huge problem for filling up the available job posts. Schools should be more practical-oriented to provide hands-on training, which will give students an edge in the job market. We should encourage more experiential activities in schools which will help students to develop the skills required for jobs. The government should focus on increasing the quality of teachers and developing a better standard of training for them. It should have strict rules related to the teacher selection process, salary, promotion


The education system in India is quite old and does not provide the education that is needed for our children to succeed. With a shortage of schools and teachers, high rates of student dropouts, and other issues, it’s time for us all to get involved with helping the next generation become contributing members of society. We need more people who are willing to help out with teaching or mentoring students. By being involved in your community, you can make a difference in thousands of lives every

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